Toronto, December 30, 2020 / CNW/ - IA Clarington Investments Inc. (“iA Clarington”) today announced the December 2020 cash and annual capital gains notional distributions for its Active ETF Series. The record date for the distributions is December 31, 2020 and distributions are payable on January 12, 2021.

The annual capital gains distributions are notional distributions that will be reinvested and the resulting units immediately consolidated, so that the number of units held by each investor will not change.

The per-unit December distributions are detailed below:

Active ETF SeriesTickerDistribution per unitNotional Distribution $ per unitCUSIP
IA Clarington Core Plus Bond FundICPB0.02517Not applicable144931X109
IA Clarington Floating Rate Income FundIFRF0.02356Not applicable144932R101
IA Clarington Emerging Markets Bond FundIEMB0.04693Not applicable144932C104
IA Clarington Loomis Global Allocation FundIGAF0.00000.002045075G109
IA Clarington Global Bond FundIGLB0.03155Not applicable144932A108
IA Clarington Strategic Income FundISIF0.04238Not applicable144933N109
(1) No annual capital gains notional distribution will be payable in respect of this Active ETF Series.

For more information about IA Clarington Active ETF Series, please visit

About IA Clarington Investments Inc.

A subsidiary of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. – Canada’s fourth-largest life and health insurance company – iA Clarington offers a wide range of investment products, including actively managed mutual funds, managed portfolio solutions, Active ETF Series and socially responsible investments. As of November 30, 2020, iA Clarington has over $15 billion in assets under management. For more information, please visit

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, brokerage fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments, including investments in exchange-traded series of mutual funds. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. The iA Clarington Funds are managed by IA Clarington Investments Inc. iA Clarington and the iA Clarington logo, and iA Wealth and the iA Wealth logo, are trademarks of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. and are used under license.

The payment of distributions and distribution breakdown, if applicable, is not guaranteed and may fluctuate. The payment of distributions should not be confused with a Fund's performance, rate of return, or yield. If distributions paid by the Fund are greater than the performance of the Fund, then an investor’s original investment will shrink. Distributions paid as a result of capital gains realized by a Fund and income and dividends earned by a Fund are taxable in the year they are paid. An investor’s adjusted cost base will be reduced by the amount of any returns of capital. If an investor’s adjusted cost base goes below zero, then capital gains tax will have to be paid on the amount below zero.

For further information: Rob Martin, VP, Marketing & Communications, iA Clarington Investments,, T: 416-860-9880 ext. 8070