Vancity Investment Management Ltd.

Vancity Investment Management (VCIM) was established in 1995 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vancouver City Savings Credit Union (Vancity). VCIM offers professional investment management services under two divisions:
- Discretionary, segregated investment management to individuals, unions, non-profit groups, foundations, trusts, First Nation governments and other organizations.
- Mutual fund sub-advisory services employing its integrated responsible investment process, incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) analysis with financial analysis to construct portfolios. In addition, VCIM actively engages with company management and other shareholders to ensure ESG risks are managed appropriately.
Through collaborative teamwork, Vancity's investment managers seek to ensure that investors' portfolios
- follow a disciplined approach
- employ a consistent style
- match client's investment goals
For more information on responsible investing, click here.
Funds managed
- IA Clarington Inhance Balanced SRI Portfolio
- IA Clarington Inhance Bond SRI Fund
- IA Clarington Inhance Canadian Equity SRI Class
- IA Clarington Inhance Conservative SRI Portfolio
- IA Clarington Inhance Global Equity SRI Class
- IA Clarington Inhance Global Small Cap SRI Fund
- IA Clarington Inhance Growth SRI Portfolio
- IA Clarington Inhance High Growth SRI Portfolio
- IA Clarington Inhance Moderate SRI Portfolio
- IA Clarington Inhance Monthly Income SRI Fund
- IA Clarington Inhance Monthly Income SRI GIF