Celebrating 10 years
View track record
Delivering real results since 1926, Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. has earned the trust of investors across the globe and grown into one of the world’s largest and most respected asset managers.
For the past 10 years, iA Clarington has been the exclusive Canadian provider of Loomis Sayles’ high-conviction, alpha-driven mandates. Each strategy in the suite benefits from Loomis Sayles’ deep research capabilities and the firm’s unwavering commitment to providing investors with strong potential for consistent long-term wealth creation.
Tab 1
IA Clarington Loomis International Growth Fund
The IA Clarington Loomis International Growth Fund is an actively managed core international equity mandate that seeks to deliver consistently strong long-term performance on a risk-adjusted basis over a full market cycle (at least 5 years) through bottom-up stock selection.
Key Features
- Differentiated international equity strategy that invests in companies of any size across all sectors in pursuit of a strong total return.
- Seeks to invest in high-quality businesses with sustainable competitive advantages, difficult-to-replicate business models, and the ability to benefit from long-term secular and structural growth drivers. Guided by its contrarian approach, the team invests only when these businesses trade at a significant discount to their estimate of intrinsic value.
- High-conviction portfolio of 30–45 stocks, with an active share typically greater than 80%.
Portfolio Manager

Aziz V. Hamzaogullari
Founder, Chief Investment Officer
& Portfolio Manager
Growth Equity Strategies
For definitions of technical terms in this piece, please visit iaclarington.com/glossary and speak with your investment advisor.
The information provided should not be acted upon without obtaining legal, tax, and investment advice from a licensed professional. Statements by the portfolio manager or sub-advisor represent their professional opinion and do not necessarily reflect the views of iA Clarington. Specific securities discussed are for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell. Mutual funds may purchase and sell securities at any time and securities held by a fund may increase or decrease in value. Past investment performance may not be repeated. Unless otherwise stated, the source for information provided is the portfolio manager. Statements that pertain to the future represent the portfolio manager’s current view regarding future events. Actual future events may differ.
Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, brokerage fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments, including investments in exchange-traded series of mutual funds. The information presented herein may not encompass all risks associated with mutual funds. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. Trademarks displayed herein that are not owned by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. are the property of and trademarked by the corresponding company and are used for illustrative purposes only.
The iA Clarington Funds are managed by IA Clarington Investments Inc. iA Clarington and the iA Clarington logo, iA Wealth and the iA Wealth logo, and iA Global Asset Management and the iA Global Asset Management logo are trademarks of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. and are used under license. iA Global Asset Management Inc. (iAGAM) is a subsidiary of Industrial Alliance Investment Management Inc. (iAIM).
Tab 2
IA Clarington Loomis Global Allocation Fund
★★★★★ Overall Morningstar RatingTM
Modeled after a U.S.-based mandate with a track record of over 25 years, IA Clarington Loomis Global Allocation Fund has delivered strong performance across all standard reporting periods and since Loomis Sayles took over its management in 2015.
Key Features
- Unconstrained, alpha-focused strategy invests across multiple asset classes, sectors, regions, countries and currencies.
- Concentrated, yet diversified equity portfolio and an alpha-driven fixed-income allocation that complements, rather than hedges, the equity component.
- Focuses on quality, enduring businesses that the portfolio managers view as superior long-term investments.
Subject | 1 year | 2 years | 3 years | 5 years | 10 years | Manager tenure |
IA Clarington Loomis Global Allocation Fund – Series F | 14.2% | 18.7% | 10.4% | 9.7% | 8.5% | 8.5% |
60% MSCI AC World Index (CAD), 40% Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond Index (CAD Hedged) | 15.0% | 15.1% | 8.3% | 8.4% | 7.1% | 7.1% |
Peer group (Global Equity Balanced) | 15.0% | 13.8% | 7.7% | 8.2% | 6.0% | 6.0% |
Quartile ranking | 3rd | 1st | 1st | 1st | 1st | 1st |
Number of funds in category | 1,186 | 1,127 | 1,093 | 912 | 532 | 532 |
Source: Morningstar, as at February 28, 2025. See disclaimer for additional information.
Portfolio Managers

Matthew J. Eagan
Executive Vice-President & Portfolio Manager

Eileen N. Riley
Vice-President & Portfolio Manager

David W. Rolley
Vice-President & Portfolio Manager

Lee M. Rosenbaum
Vice-President & Portfolio Manager
The corporate class option for this fund has been reopened and is available for purchase in non-registered accounts. Learn more about the benefits of corporate class.
For definitions of technical terms in this piece, please visit iaclarington.com/glossary and speak with your investment advisor. Loomis Sayles is the trade name of Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. Effective February 23, 2015, the sub-advisor of IA Clarington Loomis Global Allocation Fund changed from Aston Hill Asset Management Inc. to Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. and iA Clarington. Effective April 29, 2022, iA Clarington was removed as sub-advisor.
The inception date of Series F of the Fund was July 19, 2010. Series F is only available through a fee-based account with a full-service investment dealer. Please refer to the prospectus to learn more about Series F and its targeted payout options. If you buy other series of the Fund any differences in performance is primarily due to different fees and expenses. Manager tenure data from March 1, 2015. MSCI makes no express or implied warranties or representations and shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to any MSCI data contained herein. The MSCI data may not be further redistributed or used as a basis for other indices or any securities or financial products. This report is not approved, reviewed, or produced by MSCI.
IA Clarington Loomis Global Allocation Fund is modeled after the Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Fund (LSGAF) Strategy, a U.S.-based mandate with a 25-year track record. In February 2015, iA Clarington brought the LSGAF Strategy to Canada by appointing Loomis Sayles portfolio manager for IA Clarington Loomis Global Allocation Fund. The purpose of the information presented on the LSGAF Strategy is to indicate the portfolio manager's ability to manage a fund that may have similar investment objectives and/or strategies to IA Clarington Loomis Global Allocation Fund. The Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Fund (LSGAF) Strategy is not available for sale in Canada. It does not imply similar or future performance. There may be differences between the funds that may affect performance, including but not limited to fee structures.
Quartile rankings are based on fund returns for periods ending February 28, 2025, and are subject to change monthly. The peer group is divided into four equal quartiles and shows how a fund has performed compared to the funds in the group. The top 25% of funds are 1st quartile, the next 25% of funds are 2nd, the next group are 3rd and the 25% with the poorest performance are 4th. Peer groups are defined to compare similar mutual funds.
Morningstar Category percentile performance rank is a fund's total-return percentile rank during a 12-month period relative to all funds in the same Morningstar Category. The highest (or most favourable) percentile rank is one and the lowest (or least favourable) percentile rank is 100.
The Morningstar Star Ratings displayed above are as of February 28, 2025 and are subject to change monthly.
IA Clarington Loomis Global Allocation Fund – Series F received a 5-Star Overall Morningstar Rating™ out of 1,093 Global Equity Balanced funds as of February 28, 2025. The star ratings and number of Global Equity Balanced funds for each period are as follows: three-year period, 4 stars, 1,093 funds; five-year period, 4 stars, 912 funds; ten-year period, 5 stars, 532 funds.
The Morningstar Rating for Funds, often referred to as the Star Rating, is a data driven rating which compares how well a fund performed against similar funds. It is calculated by Morningstar Research Inc., an independent research firm. Morningstar groups funds based on the types of investments in the funds’ portfolios using CIFSC Fund categories. The Star Rating also considers the amount of risk a fund has taken to achieve its return. A more volatile fund will generally receive a lower rating than a steadier fund with the same return. Star Ratings are given for funds with at least a 3-year track record based on the fund’s Morningstar Risk Adjusted Return. The overall ranking is a weighted combination of the 3, 5 and 10 year ratings. Overall ratings are adjusted where a fund has less than 5 or 10 years of history.
Funds which rank in the top 10% of its category receive a 5-Star rating. Funds which rank in the next 22.5% receive a 4-Star rating. Funds which rank in the next 35% receive a 3-Star rating. Funds which rank in the next 22.5% receive a 2-Star rating. Funds which rank in the lowest 10% of its category receive a 1-Star rating. Star Ratings are based entirely on a mathematical evaluation of past performance. Though they could be used to identify funds to further evaluate and research, they should not be considered to be buy or sell recommendations from Morningstar.
For further information on the Star Rating, please refer to www.morningstar.ca.
©2025 Morningstar Research Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete, or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
The performance data comparison presented is intended to illustrate the Fund's historical performance as compared with historical performance of widely quoted indices. There are various important differences that may exist between the Fund and the stated indices that may affect the performance of each. The benchmark is a blend of Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond Index (CAD Currency Hedged) (40%) and MSCI AC World Index (60%). The blended benchmark presented is intended to provide a more realistic representation of the general asset classes in which the Fund invests. The Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index is a flagship measure of global investment grade debt from twenty-eight local currency markets. This multi-currency benchmark includes treasury, government-related, corporate and securitized fixed-rate bonds from both developed and emerging markets issuers. There are four regional aggregate benchmarks that largely comprise the Global Aggregate Index: the US Aggregate, the Pan-European Aggregate, the Asian-Pacific Aggregate, and the Canadian Aggregate Indices. The MSCI AC World Index (MSCI ACWI) captures large- and mid-cap representation across 23 Developed Markets (DM) and 24 Emerging Markets (EM) countries. The Fund’s market capitalization, geographic, sector, credit quality and currency risk exposure may differ from that of the benchmark. The Fund may hold cash while the benchmark does not. Overall, the Fund’s bond and equity exposure can differ because the Fund does not use a fixed ratio similar to the benchmark. It is not possible to invest directly in market indices. The performance comparison is for illustrative purposes only and does not imply future performance.
Indicated mutual fund rates of return include changes in share or unit value and reinvestment of all dividends or distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. Returns are historical annual compounded total returns. A mutual fund’s “yield” refers to income generated by securities held in the fund’s portfolio and does not represent the return of or level of income paid out by the fund.
The information provided should not be acted upon without obtaining legal, tax, and investment advice from a licensed professional. Statements by the portfolio manager or sub-advisor represent their professional opinion and do not necessarily reflect the views of iA Clarington. Specific securities discussed are for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell. Mutual funds may purchase and sell securities at any time and securities held by a fund may increase or decrease in value. Past investment performance may not be repeated. Unless otherwise stated, the source for information provided is the portfolio manager. Statements that pertain to the future represent the portfolio manager’s current view regarding future events. Actual future events may differ.
Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, brokerage fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments, including investments in exchange-traded series of mutual funds. The information presented herein may not encompass all risks associated with mutual funds. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. Trademarks displayed herein that are not owned by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. are the property of and trademarked by the corresponding company and are used for illustrative purposes only.
The iA Clarington Funds are managed by IA Clarington Investments Inc. iA Clarington and the iA Clarington logo, iA Wealth and the iA Wealth logo, and iA Global Asset Management and the iA Global Asset Management logo are trademarks of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. and are used under license. iA Global Asset Management Inc. (iAGAM) is a subsidiary of Industrial Alliance Investment Management Inc. (iAIM).
Tab 3
IA Clarington Loomis U.S. All Cap Growth Fund
★★★★★ Overall Morningstar RatingTM
Modeled after a strategy that has been helping investors achieve their goals for over 15 years, the IA Clarington Loomis U.S. All Cap Growth Fund is an actively managed core U.S. equity mandate that seeks to deliver consistently strong long-term performance on a risk-adjusted basis over a full market cycle (at least 5 years) through bottom-up stock selection.
Key Features
- Differentiated U.S. equity strategy that invests in companies of any size across all sectors in pursuit of a strong total return.
- Seeks to invest in high-quality businesses with sustainable competitive advantages, difficult-to-replicate business models, and the ability to benefit from long-term secular and structural growth drivers. Guided by their contrarian approach, the team invests only when these businesses trade at a significant discount to their estimate of intrinsic value.
- High-conviction portfolio of 35–45 stocks, with an active share typically greater than 80%.
Subject | 1 year | 2 years | 3 years | Since inception |
IA Clarington Loomis U.S. All Cap Growth Fund – Series F | 26.7% | 35.0% | 20.2% | 15.4% |
S&P 500 TR (CAD) | 25.8% | 27.8% | 17.4% | 17.4% |
Peer group (U.S. Equity) | 19.7% | 23.2% | 13.4% | 12.9% |
Quartile ranking | 1st | 1st | 1st | 1st |
Number of funds in category | 1,166 | 1,090 | 1,019 | 957 |
Source: Morningstar, as at February 28, 2025. See disclaimer for additional information.
Portfolio Manager

Aziz V. Hamzaogullari
Founder, Chief Investment Officer
& Portfolio Manager
Growth Equity Strategies
For definitions of technical terms in this piece, please visit iaclarington.com/glossary and speak with your investment advisor.
IA Clarington Loomis U.S. All Cap Growth Fund is modeled after the Loomis Sayles All Cap Growth Composite, which is not available for sale in Canada. The purpose of the information presented on the Loomis Sayles All Cap Growth Composite is to indicate the portfolio manager’s ability to manage a fund that may have similar investment objectives and/or strategies to the IA Clarington Loomis U.S. All Cap Growth Fund. It does not imply similar or future performance. There may be differences between the funds that may affect performance, including but not limited to fee structures.
The inception date of Series F of the Fund was February 25, 2021. Series F is only available through a fee-based account with a full-service investment dealer. Please refer to the prospectus to learn more about Series F and its targeted payout options. If you buy other series of the Fund any differences in performance is primarily due to different fees and expenses.
The performance data comparison presented is intended to illustrate the Fund’s historical performance as compared with historical performance of widely quoted indices. There are various important differences such as security selection, asset allocation, sector, credit quality, geographic, market capitalization and currency exposure that exist between the Fund and the stated indices that may affect the performance of each. The fund may hold cash while the benchmark does not. It is not possible to invest directly in market indices. The performance comparison is for illustrative purposes only and does not imply future performance.
The Fund’s benchmark is the S&P 500 Index (CAD). The S&P 500 Index (CAD) includes 500 leading companies in leading industries of the U.S. economy and is widely regarded as the best single gauge of the U.S. equities market.
Quartile ranking are based on fund returns for periods ending February 28, 2025, and are subject to change monthly. The peer group is divided into four equal quartiles and shows how a fund has performed compared to the funds in the group. The top 25% of funds are 1st quartile, the next 25% of fund are 2nd, the next group are 3rd and the 25% with the poorest performance are 4th. Peer groups are defined to compare similar mutual funds.
Morningstar Category percentile performance rank is a fund's total-return percentile rank during a 12-month period relative to all funds in the same Morningstar Category. The highest (or most favourable) percentile rank is one and the lowest (or least favourable) percentile rank is 100.
The Morningstar Star Ratings displayed above are as of February 28, 2025 and are subject to change monthly.
IA Clarington Loomis U.S. All Cap Growth Fund - Series F received a 5-Star Overall Morningstar Rating™ out of 1,019 US Equity funds as of February 28, 2025. The star ratings and number of US Equity funds for each period are as follows: three-year period, 5 stars, 1,019 funds.
The Morningstar Rating for Funds, often referred to as the Star Rating, is a data driven rating which compares how well a fund performed against similar funds. It is calculated by Morningstar Research Inc., an independent research firm. Morningstar groups funds based on the types of investments in the funds’ portfolios using CIFSC Fund categories. The Star Rating also considers the amount of risk a fund has taken to achieve its return. A more volatile fund will generally receive a lower rating than a steadier fund with the same return. Star Ratings are given for funds with at least a 3-year track record based on the fund’s Morningstar Risk Adjusted Return. The overall ranking is a weighted combination of the 3, 5 and 10 year ratings. Overall ratings are adjusted where a fund has less than 5 or 10 years of history.
Funds which rank in the top 10% of its category receive a 5-Star rating. Funds which rank in the next 22.5% receive a 4-Star rating. Funds which rank in the next 35% receive a 3-Star rating. Funds which rank in the next 22.5% receive a 2-Star rating. Funds which rank in the lowest 10% of its category receive a 1-Star rating. Star Ratings are based entirely on a mathematical evaluation of past performance. Though they could be used to identify funds to further evaluate and research, they should not be considered to be buy or sell recommendations from Morningstar.
For further information on the Star Rating, please refer to www.morningstar.ca.
©2025 Morningstar Research Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete, or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Indicated mutual fund rates of return include changes in share or unit value and reinvestment of all dividends or distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. Returns are historical annual compounded total returns.
The information provided should not be acted upon without obtaining legal, tax, and investment advice from a licensed professional. Statements by the portfolio manager or sub-advisor represent their professional opinion and do not necessarily reflect the views of iA Clarington. Specific securities discussed are for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell. Mutual funds may purchase and sell securities at any time and securities held by a fund may increase or decrease in value. Past investment performance may not be repeated. Unless otherwise stated, the source for information provided is the portfolio manager. Statements that pertain to the future represent the portfolio manager’s current view regarding future events. Actual future events may differ.
Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, brokerage fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments, including investments in exchange-traded series of mutual funds. The information presented herein may not encompass all risks associated with mutual funds.
Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. Trademarks displayed herein that are not owned by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. are the property of and trademarked by the corresponding company and are used for illustrative purposes only.
The iA Clarington Funds are managed by IA Clarington Investments Inc. iA Clarington and the iA Clarington logo, iA Wealth and the iA Wealth logo, and iA Global Asset Management and the iA Global Asset Management logo are trademarks of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. and are used under license. iA Global Asset Management Inc. (iAGAM) is a subsidiary of Industrial Alliance Investment Management Inc. (iAIM).
Tab 4
IA Clarington Loomis Global Equity Opportunities Fund
Derived from the equity component of the IA Clarington Loomis Global Allocation Fund, the IA Clarington Loomis Global Equity Opportunities Fund is an actively managed, pure global equity solution that seeks to provide investors with superior potential for outperformance.
Key Features
- Unconstrained global approach focused on high-quality companies with excellent prospects for long-term value creation.
- Fundamental, bottom-up security selection process that leverages Loomis Sayles’ deep research capabilities.
- Concentrated, high-conviction portfolio of 35-65 holdings, representing the portfolio managers’ best ideas.
Subject | 1 year | 2 years | 3 years | 5 years | Since inception |
IA Clarington Loomis Global Equity Opportunities Fund – Series F | 17.5% | 24.8% | 14.9% | 13.9% | 13.0% |
MSCI AC World Index (CAD) | 22.2% | 22.4% | 13.9% | 14.4% | 12.9% |
Peer group (Global Equity) | 17.0% | 18.2% | 10.7% | 11.5% | 10.0% |
Quartile ranking | 2nd | 1st | 1st | 1st | 1st |
Number of funds in category | 1,808 | 1,667 | 1,547 | 1,283 | 1,279 |
Source: Morningstar, as at February 28, 2025. See disclaimer for additional information.
Portfolio Managers

Eileen N. Riley
Vice-President & Portfolio Manager

Lee M. Rosenbaum
Vice-President & Portfolio Manager
For definitions of technical terms in this piece, please visit iaclarington.com/glossary and speak with your investment advisor.
Loomis Sayles is the trade name of Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
The inception date of Series F of the Fund was November 4, 2019. Series F is only available through a fee-based account with a full-service investment dealer. Please refer to the prospectus to learn more about Series F and its targeted payout options. If you buy other series of the Fund any differences in performance is primarily due to different fees and expenses.
MSCI makes no express or implied warranties or representations and shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to any MSCI data contained herein. The MSCI data may not be further redistributed or used as a basis for other indices or any securities or financial products. This report is not approved, reviewed, or produced by MSCI.
The performance data comparison presented is intended to illustrate the Fund’s historical performance as compared with historical performance of widely quoted indices. There are various important differences such as security selection, asset allocation, sector, credit quality, geographic, market capitalization and currency exposure that exist between the Fund and the stated indices that may affect the performance of each. The fund may hold cash while the benchmark does not. It is not possible to invest directly in market indices. The performance comparison is for illustrative purposes only and does not imply future performance.
The MSCI AC World Index (MSCI ACWI) captures large and mid cap representation across 23 Developed Markets (DM) and 24 Emerging Markets (EM) countries. The index covers approximately 85% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization in each market.
Quartile rankings are based on fund returns for periods ending February 28, 2025, and are subject to change monthly. The peer group is divided into four equal quartiles and shows how a fund has performed compared to the funds in the group. The top 25% of funds are 1st quartile, the next 25% of fund are 2nd, the next group are 3rd and the 25% with the poorest performance are 4th. Peer groups are defined to compare similar mutual funds.
Indicated mutual fund rates of return include changes in share or unit value and reinvestment of all dividends or distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. Returns are historical annual compounded total returns.
The information provided should not be acted upon without obtaining legal, tax, and investment advice from a licensed professional. Statements by the portfolio manager or sub-advisor represent their professional opinion and do not necessarily reflect the views of iA Clarington. Specific securities discussed are for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell. Mutual funds may purchase and sell securities at any time and securities held by a fund may increase or decrease in value. Past investment performance may not be repeated. Unless otherwise stated, the source for information provided is the portfolio manager. Statements that pertain to the future represent the portfolio manager’s current view regarding future events. Actual future events may differ.
Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, brokerage fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments, including investments in exchange-traded series of mutual funds. The information presented herein may not encompass all risks associated with mutual funds. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. Trademarks displayed herein that are not owned by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. are the property of and trademarked by the corresponding company and are used for illustrative purposes only.
The iA Clarington Funds are managed by IA Clarington Investments Inc. iA Clarington and the iA Clarington logo, iA Wealth and the iA Wealth logo, and iA Global Asset Management and the iA Global Asset Management logo are trademarks of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. and are used under license. iA Global Asset Management Inc. (iAGAM) is a subsidiary of Industrial Alliance Investment Management Inc. (iAIM).
Tab 5
Tab 6