Price & Performance
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The information presented incorporates both performance data based on the period since the inception of the Fund and performance calculated from the date of a material merger or reorganization of the Fund (“Performance Start Date” or “PSD”). Performance data is not presented for a Fund that has been distributing securities for less than 12 consecutive months. For an existing mutual fund where one or more of its Series have existed for less than 12 consecutive months ("new series"), performance data specific to each new series is not shown. The performance data of different series may differ for a number of reasons, including but not limited to the different fee structures. For detailed information please visit the following link: and review the indicated Fund’s Prospectus.
The Morningstar Rating for Funds, often referred to as the Star Rating, is a data driven rating which compares how well a fund performed against similar funds. It is calculated by Morningstar Research Inc., an independent research firm. Morningstar groups funds based on the types of investments in the funds’ portfolios using CIFSC Fund categories. The Star Rating also considers the amount of risk a fund has taken to achieve its return. A more volatile fund will generally receive a lower rating than a steadier fund with the same return. Star Ratings are given for funds with at least a 3-year track record based on the fund’s Morningstar Risk Adjusted Return. The overall ranking is a weighted combination of the 3, 5 and 10 year ratings. Overall ratings are adjusted where a fund has less than 5 or 10 years of history.
Funds which rank in the top 10% of its category receive a 5-Star rating. Funds which rank in the next 22.5% receive a 4-Star rating. Funds which rank in the next 35% receive a 3-Star rating. Funds which rank in the next 22.5% receive a 2-Star rating. Funds which rank in the lowest 10% of its category receive a 1-Star rating. Star Ratings are based entirely on a mathematical evaluation of past performance. Though they could be used to identify funds to further evaluate and research, they should not be considered to be buy or sell recommendations from Morningstar.
For further information on the Star Rating, please refer to
© Morningstar Research Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete, or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
For institutional investors only. Not available for individual investors.
For institutional investors only. Not available for individual investors.
For institutional investors only. Not available for individual investors.
Front-end, low-load and deferred sales commission options (depending on Fund).
Available to investors in a front-end purchase option.
Available to investors in a front-end purchase option. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Front-end series for lump-sum investments into the Dollar-Cost Averaging Service.
Fee-based series for lump-sum investments into the Dollar-Cost Averaging Service.
Elite Pricing front-end series for qualifying investors.
Elite Pricing front-end series for qualifying investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Elite Pricing front-end series for qualifying investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Elite Pricing front-end series for qualifying investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Elite Pricing front-end series for qualifying investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Elite Pricing fee-based series for qualifying investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This series is closed to new investors.
Elite Pricing fee-based series for qualifying investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
Elite Pricing fee-based series for qualifying investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
Elite Pricing fee-based series for qualifying investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
Elite Pricing fee-based series for qualifying investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This series is closed to new investors.
Elite Pricing fee-based series for qualifying investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
TSX-listed ETF series.
Elite Pricing front-end series for qualifying investors. This series is closed to new investors.
Elite Pricing front-end series for qualifying investors. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
Elite Pricing front-end series for qualifying investors. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
Fee-based series for investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer.
Fee-based series for investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Fee-based series for investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Fee-based series for investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Fee-based series for investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Fee-based series for investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Fee-based series for investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This series is closed to new investors.
Fee-based series for investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
Fee-based series for investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
Fee-based series for investors participating in a fee-based program through their dealer. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
For investors seeking a guaranteed investment option.
For investors seeking a guaranteed investment option.
For investors seeking a guaranteed investment option.
Advisor service charge series.
Advisor service charge series. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Advisor service charge series. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Advisor service charge series. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Advisor service charge series. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Advisor service charge series. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Advisor service charge series for qualifying investors at offering dealers.
Advisor service charge series for investors at offering dealers. This series is closed to new investors.
Advisor service charge series for investors at offering dealers. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
Front-end, low-load and deferred sales commission options for qualifying investors.
Unbundled fee option for qualifying investors at offering dealers. This series is closed to new investors.
Unbundled fee option for qualifying investors at offering dealers. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
Unbundled fee option for qualifying investors at offering dealers. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
Unbundled fee option for qualifying investors at offering dealers. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions; it is closed to new investors.
Front-end, low-load and deferred sales commission options. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Front-end, low-load and deferred sales commission options. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Front-end, low-load and deferred sales commission options. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Front-end, low-load and deferred sales commission options. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Front-end, low-load and deferred sales commission options. This is a payout series for investors seeking regular monthly distributions.
Available to investors who participate in qualifying dealer-sponsored fee-based programs.
Closed to new purchases.
Closed to new purchases.
Closed to new purchases.