Webcasts | iA Global Asset Management | Mar. 18, 2024

An Update on the IA Clarington Global Dividend Fund

Dan Rohinton discusses performance and positioning on the 1-year anniversary of the fund and explains why his approach to dividend investing is unique. Recorded February 15.
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Videos | QV Investors | Mar. 14, 2024

Finding Value in the Global Equity Market

Mathew Hermary discusses performance of the IA Clarington Global Equity Fund and explains how the fund is participating in the AI theme.

Videos | Loomis Sayles | Feb. 26, 2024

Alpha-Focused U.S. Equity Investing

Adam Mushaweh discusses recent performance of the IA Clarington Loomis U.S. All Cap Growth Fund and explains how it has been driven by the team’s investment approach.  

Webcasts | QV Investors | Feb. 23, 2024

An Update on the IA Clarington Canadian Small Cap Fund

Steven Kim discusses performance highlights, two standout holdings, fund positioning, and his outlook for the Canadian equity market. Recorded February 1.

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Videos | iA Global Asset Management | Feb. 15, 2024

Differentiated Global Dividend Investing for Today's Complex Markets

Portfolio manager Dan Rohinton discusses opportunities in AI and portfolio positioning for the IA Clarington Global Dividend Fund.

Webcasts | iA Global Asset Management | Feb. 6, 2024

An Update on the IA Clarington Strategic Funds

Dan Bastasic provides an update on his outlook for the economy and explains where he’s finding attractive opportunities in the equity and fixed-income markets. Recorded January 16.

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Videos | Wellington Square | Jan. 31, 2024

Rethinking Fixed-Income Investing

Portfolio manager Jeff Sujitno explains where he’s seeing opportunities and why he believes investors would benefit from considering less conventional ways of investing in fixed income.

Webcasts | Loomis Sayles | Jan. 29, 2024

An Update on the IA Clarington Loomis Global Allocation Fund

Portfolio manager Lee Rosenbaum discusses performance, positioning and key fund metrics and holdings. Recorded January 9.

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